Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2006
Generated 01-May-2006 01:13 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2006
Total Hits 551873
Total Files 480413
Total Pages 518712
Total Visits 12432
Total KBytes 951540
Total Unique Sites 7424
Total Unique URLs 372
Total Unique Referrers 3664
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 939
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 766 4740
Hits per Day 18395 29996
Files per Day 16013 26943
Pages per Day 17290 27492
Visits per Day 414 550
KBytes per Day 31718 44011
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 480413
Code 206 - Partial Content 56053
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 71
Code 302 - Found 101
Code 304 - Not Modified 3114
Code 400 - Bad Request 2
Code 401 - Unauthorized 9
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 11308
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 777
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 23

Daily usage for April 2006

Daily Statistics for April 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 19382 3.51% 17895 3.72% 18315 3.53% 451 3.63% 494 6.65% 19868 2.09%
2 19460 3.53% 15657 3.26% 18477 3.56% 534 4.30% 520 7.00% 39498 4.15%
3 19677 3.57% 18137 3.78% 18845 3.63% 485 3.90% 489 6.59% 28291 2.97%
4 19069 3.46% 17482 3.64% 17879 3.45% 456 3.67% 538 7.25% 30988 3.26%
5 17833 3.23% 14543 3.03% 17057 3.29% 396 3.19% 429 5.78% 29775 3.13%
6 19723 3.57% 14895 3.10% 18745 3.61% 390 3.14% 487 6.56% 24813 2.61%
7 16722 3.03% 16314 3.40% 15725 3.03% 393 3.16% 440 5.93% 30511 3.21%
8 23418 4.24% 22947 4.78% 22430 4.32% 525 4.22% 544 7.33% 36125 3.80%
9 23672 4.29% 17936 3.73% 22964 4.43% 422 3.39% 401 5.40% 44011 4.63%
10 16681 3.02% 16205 3.37% 15439 2.98% 339 2.73% 433 5.83% 39247 4.12%
11 16827 3.05% 15476 3.22% 15657 3.02% 439 3.53% 537 7.23% 42187 4.43%
12 16604 3.01% 11609 2.42% 15457 2.98% 387 3.11% 508 6.84% 32919 3.46%
13 21870 3.96% 16102 3.35% 20818 4.01% 530 4.26% 601 8.10% 30662 3.22%
14 24302 4.40% 17988 3.74% 23337 4.50% 524 4.21% 480 6.47% 32639 3.43%
15 19532 3.54% 15130 3.15% 18484 3.56% 320 2.57% 440 5.93% 30426 3.20%
16 17567 3.18% 16174 3.37% 16527 3.19% 452 3.64% 479 6.45% 33414 3.51%
17 14703 2.66% 13744 2.86% 13970 2.69% 365 2.94% 349 4.70% 27814 2.92%
18 15945 2.89% 14989 3.12% 15179 2.93% 347 2.79% 366 4.93% 26082 2.74%
19 14291 2.59% 12776 2.66% 13082 2.52% 379 3.05% 491 6.61% 27188 2.86%
20 14612 2.65% 14029 2.92% 13672 2.64% 495 3.98% 492 6.63% 19696 2.07%
21 16186 2.93% 15527 3.23% 14654 2.83% 550 4.42% 530 7.14% 23464 2.47%
22 17500 3.17% 15952 3.32% 16206 3.12% 396 3.19% 472 6.36% 41317 4.34%
23 18178 3.29% 16864 3.51% 17181 3.31% 336 2.70% 420 5.66% 38310 4.03%
24 16625 3.01% 16105 3.35% 15529 2.99% 269 2.16% 368 4.96% 29617 3.11%
25 29996 5.44% 26943 5.61% 27492 5.30% 378 3.04% 481 6.48% 37696 3.96%
26 6198 1.12% 4514 0.94% 5467 1.05% 304 2.45% 351 4.73% 32479 3.41%
27 15439 2.80% 14633 3.05% 14454 2.79% 432 3.47% 491 6.61% 28106 2.95%
28 18568 3.36% 17669 3.68% 17149 3.31% 371 2.98% 440 5.93% 35475 3.73%
29 19953 3.62% 15729 3.27% 18408 3.55% 536 4.31% 512 6.90% 37029 3.89%
30 21340 3.87% 16449 3.42% 20113 3.88% 304 2.45% 426 5.74% 21891 2.30%

Hourly usage for April 2006

Hourly Statistics for April 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 614 18430 3.34% 509 15298 3.18% 584 17529 3.38% 563 16895 1.78%
1 600 18012 3.26% 504 15139 3.15% 570 17123 3.30% 697 20919 2.20%
2 634 19036 3.45% 518 15552 3.24% 601 18045 3.48% 640 19187 2.02%
3 695 20862 3.78% 577 17338 3.61% 657 19725 3.80% 1441 43220 4.54%
4 654 19647 3.56% 555 16679 3.47% 624 18741 3.61% 1160 34790 3.66%
5 912 27388 4.96% 809 24273 5.05% 883 26501 5.11% 3637 109118 11.47%
6 1310 39306 7.12% 1207 36238 7.54% 1281 38458 7.41% 4061 121820 12.80%
7 1256 37700 6.83% 1126 33783 7.03% 1225 36778 7.09% 1873 56176 5.90%
8 1125 33767 6.12% 1066 32008 6.66% 1094 32847 6.33% 966 28973 3.04%
9 736 22099 4.00% 669 20082 4.18% 701 21056 4.06% 1081 32433 3.41%
10 777 23311 4.22% 673 20201 4.20% 717 21527 4.15% 1676 50294 5.29%
11 917 27518 4.99% 779 23396 4.87% 870 26120 5.04% 2300 69007 7.25%
12 618 18551 3.36% 522 15670 3.26% 570 17110 3.30% 924 27726 2.91%
13 587 17620 3.19% 531 15932 3.32% 539 16198 3.12% 1066 31979 3.36%
14 573 17195 3.12% 527 15835 3.30% 525 15773 3.04% 906 27181 2.86%
15 662 19889 3.60% 567 17015 3.54% 616 18489 3.56% 906 27190 2.86%
16 747 22431 4.06% 605 18174 3.78% 686 20596 3.97% 905 27160 2.85%
17 733 21995 3.99% 616 18496 3.85% 674 20229 3.90% 805 24138 2.54%
18 646 19400 3.52% 557 16726 3.48% 579 17392 3.35% 1439 43159 4.54%
19 661 19831 3.59% 586 17580 3.66% 578 17366 3.35% 1310 39300 4.13%
20 655 19667 3.56% 543 16301 3.39% 602 18061 3.48% 711 21326 2.24%
21 794 23839 4.32% 656 19687 4.10% 713 21400 4.13% 1150 34498 3.63%
22 738 22167 4.02% 645 19367 4.03% 688 20646 3.98% 707 21202 2.23%
23 740 22212 4.02% 654 19643 4.09% 700 21002 4.05% 795 23848 2.51%

Top 30 of 372 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 461701 83.66% 16990 1.79% /
2 30659 5.56% 306195 32.18% /usage/
3 12158 2.20% 3804 0.40% /usage/usage_200505.html
4 3947 0.72% 10933 1.15% /gb/action.php
5 2118 0.38% 35910 3.77% /gb/
6 1703 0.31% 3035 0.32% /gottkarten.htm
7 1547 0.28% 15655 1.65% /charakter.htm
8 1000 0.18% 2800 0.29% /banner.html
9 982 0.18% 2510 0.26% /main.html
10 949 0.17% 5600 0.59% /gb/insert.php
11 929 0.17% 1995 0.21% /frame.html
12 890 0.16% 71573 7.52% /usage/usage_200412.html
13 847 0.15% 71859 7.55% /usage/usage_200501.html
14 839 0.15% 72520 7.62% /regelwerk.htm
15 673 0.12% 78968 8.30% /usage/usage_200604.html
16 322 0.06% 495 0.05% /exodia.htm
17 170 0.03% 400 0.04% /filmkarten.htm
18 156 0.03% 13143 1.38% /flash/agca.swf
19 152 0.03% 551 0.06% /menue.html
20 139 0.03% 1774 0.19% /mysqladmin/css/phpmyadmin.css.php
21 122 0.02% 10145 1.07% /flash/agcb.swf
22 106 0.02% 4 0.00% /mysqladmin/css/print.css
23 102 0.02% 452 0.05% /mysqladmin/libraries/tooltip.js
24 85 0.02% 3068 0.32% /mysqladmin/libraries/functions.js
25 65 0.01% 317 0.03% /links/links.php
26 60 0.01% 291 0.03% /menue2.html
27 60 0.01% 214 0.02% /millenniums.html
28 59 0.01% 707 0.07% /grafik/line02.bmp
29 45 0.01% 97 0.01% /impressum.htm
30 44 0.01% 3372 0.35% /usage/usage_200411.html

Top 10 of 372 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30659 5.56% 306195 32.18% /usage/
2 673 0.12% 78968 8.30% /usage/usage_200604.html
3 839 0.15% 72520 7.62% /regelwerk.htm
4 847 0.15% 71859 7.55% /usage/usage_200501.html
5 890 0.16% 71573 7.52% /usage/usage_200412.html
6 2118 0.38% 35910 3.77% /gb/
7 461701 83.66% 16990 1.79% /
8 1547 0.28% 15655 1.65% /charakter.htm
9 156 0.03% 13143 1.38% /flash/agca.swf
10 3947 0.72% 10933 1.15% /gb/action.php

Top 10 of 52 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 461701 83.66% 3619 29.63% /
2 1703 0.31% 1217 9.96% /gottkarten.htm
3 1547 0.28% 1106 9.06% /charakter.htm
4 2118 0.38% 787 6.44% /gb/
5 982 0.18% 693 5.67% /main.html
6 839 0.15% 637 5.22% /regelwerk.htm
7 30659 5.56% 635 5.20% /usage/
8 847 0.15% 622 5.09% /usage/usage_200501.html
9 1000 0.18% 621 5.08% /banner.html
10 929 0.17% 539 4.41% /frame.html

Top 10 of 52 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 461701 83.66% 3643 29.72% /
2 1703 0.31% 1333 10.88% /gottkarten.htm
3 1547 0.28% 1166 9.51% /charakter.htm
4 2118 0.38% 835 6.81% /gb/
5 890 0.16% 631 5.15% /usage/usage_200412.html
6 929 0.17% 622 5.08% /frame.html
7 30659 5.56% 611 4.99% /usage/
8 1000 0.18% 586 4.78% /banner.html
9 982 0.18% 568 4.63% /main.html
10 839 0.15% 539 4.40% /regelwerk.htm

Top 30 of 7424 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 411075 74.49% 411075 85.57% 0 0.00% 8 0.06%
2 43942 7.96% 43932 9.14% 32746 3.44% 151 1.21%
3 17690 3.21% 17690 3.68% 176787 18.58% 17 0.14%
4 12104 2.19% 12103 2.52% 124057 13.04% 43 0.35%
5 7806 1.41% 0 0.00% 2165 0.23% 0 0.00%
6 2693 0.49% 2375 0.49% 16123 1.69% 23 0.19%
7 1719 0.31% 803 0.17% 22513 2.37% 394 3.17%
8 1614 0.29% 1614 0.34% 4948 0.52% 503 4.05%
9 1313 0.24% 1313 0.27% 0 0.00% 3 0.02%
10 1280 0.23% 1280 0.27% 0 0.00% 2 0.02%
11 1232 0.22% 1232 0.26% 0 0.00% 3 0.02%
12 1033 0.19% 1033 0.22% 0 0.00% 44 0.35%
13 968 0.18% 968 0.20% 0 0.00% 5 0.04%
14 927 0.17% 927 0.19% 0 0.00% 4 0.03%
15 749 0.14% 749 0.16% 0 0.00% 3 0.02%
16 700 0.13% 700 0.15% 0 0.00% 2 0.02%
17 691 0.13% 691 0.14% 0 0.00% 4 0.03%
18 623 0.11% 623 0.13% 0 0.00% 1 0.01%
19 546 0.10% 546 0.11% 0 0.00% 1 0.01%
20 525 0.10% 525 0.11% 0 0.00% 3 0.02%
21 483 0.09% 483 0.10% 0 0.00% 1 0.01%
22 378 0.07% 378 0.08% 0 0.00% 4 0.03%
23 343 0.06% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% 117 0.94%
24 330 0.06% 330 0.07% 0 0.00% 3 0.02%
25 327 0.06% 304 0.06% 4769 0.50% 1 0.01%
26 301 0.05% 301 0.06% 0 0.00% 2 0.02%
27 281 0.05% 281 0.06% 27220 2.86% 6 0.05%
28 266 0.05% 266 0.06% 0 0.00% 1 0.01%
29 249 0.05% 236 0.05% 1518 0.16% 56 0.45%
30 247 0.04% 171 0.04% 980 0.10% 70 0.56%

Top 10 of 7424 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 17690 3.21% 17690 3.68% 176787 18.58% 17 0.14%
2 12104 2.19% 12103 2.52% 124057 13.04% 43 0.35%
3 43942 7.96% 43932 9.14% 32746 3.44% 151 1.21%
4 281 0.05% 281 0.06% 27220 2.86% 6 0.05%
5 1719 0.31% 803 0.17% 22513 2.37% 394 3.17%
6 2693 0.49% 2375 0.49% 16123 1.69% 23 0.19%
7 55 0.01% 55 0.01% 6901 0.73% 12 0.10%
8 44 0.01% 44 0.01% 5580 0.59% 38 0.31%
9 1614 0.29% 1614 0.34% 4948 0.52% 503 4.05%
10 327 0.06% 304 0.06% 4769 0.50% 1 0.01%

Top 30 of 3664 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 18733 3.39% - (Direct Request)
2 14908 2.70%
3 14907 2.70%
4 14906 2.70%
5 14905 2.70%
6 14882 2.70%
7 10816 1.96%
8 10813 1.96%
9 10812 1.96%
10 10295 1.87%
11 9635 1.75%
12 9237 1.67%
13 9032 1.64%
14 7675 1.39%
15 7674 1.39%
16 7673 1.39%
17 7626 1.38%
18 7232 1.31%
19 7232 1.31%
20 7220 1.31%
21 7182 1.30%
22 7148 1.30%
23 7148 1.30%
24 7104 1.29%
25 7035 1.27%
26 7023 1.27%
27 6803 1.23%
28 6802 1.23%
29 6785 1.23%
30 6707 1.22%

Top 20 of 83 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 86 22.69% exodia
2 38 10.03% marik
3 34 8.97% seto kaiba
4 28 7.39% marik ishtar
5 22 5.80% obelisk der peiniger
6 19 5.01% slifer
7 11 2.90% odion
8 10 2.64% digimon tamers
9 10 2.64% joey wheeler
10 9 2.37% yugi
11 6 1.58% kaiba
12 6 1.58% obelist
13 5 1.32% slifer der himmelsdrache
14 4 1.06% clan banner
15 4 1.06% ishtar marik
16 4 1.06% yugi marik
17 3 0.79% malik ishtar
18 3 0.79% odion ishtar
19 3 0.79% sphinx teleia
20 2 0.53% der geflügelte drache von ra

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 275 0.05% 275 0.06% 9939 1.04% 5 0.04% v031910
2 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 12 0.00% 1 0.01% ab

Top 15 of 939 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 411075 74.49% (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT)
2 52171 9.45% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
3 29764 5.39% Elllitum/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
4 17776 3.22% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
5 3710 0.67% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
6 1969 0.36% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
7 1702 0.31% msnbot/1.0 (+
8 1370 0.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
9 1205 0.22% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1
10 777 0.14% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET)
11 734 0.13% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
12 732 0.13% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
13 723 0.13% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1
14 612 0.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Geck
15 560 0.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Geck

Usage by Country for April 2006

Top 30 of 93 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 484110 87.72% 483213 100.58% 402111 42.26% Unresolved/Unknown
2 26912 4.88% 16403 3.41% 243822 25.62% US Commercial
3 12160 2.20% 12158 2.53% 563 0.06% Russian Federation
4 10932 1.98% 9531 1.98% 125301 13.17% Network
5 8083 1.46% 7167 1.49% 65800 6.92% Germany
6 1322 0.24% 846 0.18% 11075 1.16% Italy
7 876 0.16% 733 0.15% 8799 0.92% Switzerland
8 628 0.11% 451 0.09% 6768 0.71% Poland
9 508 0.09% 501 0.10% 9286 0.98% Japan
10 504 0.09% 477 0.10% 3825 0.40% Brazil
11 460 0.08% 384 0.08% 4702 0.49% France
12 459 0.08% 373 0.08% 4870 0.51% Austria
13 452 0.08% 402 0.08% 7545 0.79% Hungary
14 435 0.08% 323 0.07% 5999 0.63% Netherlands
15 371 0.07% 346 0.07% 4433 0.47% Mexico
16 241 0.04% 128 0.03% 1969 0.21% Belgium
17 224 0.04% 210 0.04% 4604 0.48% Costa Rica
18 185 0.03% 172 0.04% 2636 0.28% Canada
19 183 0.03% 150 0.03% 2269 0.24% Malaysia
20 183 0.03% 137 0.03% 1548 0.16% United Kingdom
21 152 0.03% 141 0.03% 954 0.10% Slovak Republic
22 140 0.03% 129 0.03% 1467 0.15% Sweden
23 131 0.02% 128 0.03% 3467 0.36% Philippines
24 130 0.02% 127 0.03% 2386 0.25% Saudi Arabia
25 124 0.02% 114 0.02% 1709 0.18% Argentina
26 105 0.02% 97 0.02% 826 0.09% Finland
27 103 0.02% 91 0.02% 776 0.08% Australia
28 94 0.02% 90 0.02% 1232 0.13% Morocco
29 94 0.02% 94 0.02% 267 0.03% Moldova
30 90 0.02% 69 0.01% 957 0.10% Taiwan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01