Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2023
Generated 01-Jan-2024 00:29 CET
Webalizer Xtended (RB30)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2023
Total Hits 89474
Total Files 87146
Total Pages 88672
Total Visits 3906
Total Volume 3.52 GB
Total Unique Sites 1711
Total Unique URLs 874
Total Unique Referrers 1924
Total Unique User Agents 339
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 120 792
Hits per Day 2886 8473
Files per Day 2811 8398
Pages per Day 2860 8428
Sites per Day 55 135
Visits per Day 126 314
Volume per Day 116.40 MB 230.51 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 97.40% 87146
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.15% 1026
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 13
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.16% 142
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.01% 8
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 20
Code 404 - Not Found 1.25% 1118

Hits by Response Code December 2023

Code 404 Monthly Statistics for December 2023 (Top 20 of 585 URLs)
# Hits URL
1 92 8.23% /wp-login.php
2 41 3.67% /sitemap.xml
3 39 3.49% /usage/error_201610.html/trackback/
4 20 1.79% /usage//xef/xbb/xbf
5 17 1.52% /forum2.php
6 12 1.07% /usage/usage_201606.html/r
7 11 0.98% /usage/usage_201001.html/r
8 11 0.98% /usage/usage_201208.html/r
9 7 0.63% /wordpress
10 7 0.63% /bk
11 7 0.63% /wp
12 7 0.63% /bc
13 7 0.63% /new
14 7 0.63% /inputs.php
15 6 0.54% /wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/readme.txt
16 6 0.54% /usage/error_202301.html/trackback/
17 6 0.54% /gnsintro.php
18 6 0.54% /humans.txt
19 6 0.54% /ads.txt
20 6 0.54% /backup
View All URLs

Daily usage for December 2023

Daily Statistics for December 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Volume
1 1945 2.17% 1886 2.16% 1930 2.18% 123 3.15% 86 5.03% 221.32 MB 6.13%
2 2147 2.40% 1925 2.21% 2121 2.39% 109 2.79% 64 3.74% 230.51 MB 6.39%
3 1165 1.30% 970 1.11% 1161 1.31% 121 3.10% 75 4.38% 103.17 MB 2.86%
4 994 1.11% 822 0.94% 978 1.10% 117 3.00% 65 3.80% 62.49 MB 1.73%
5 1721 1.92% 1570 1.80% 1710 1.93% 141 3.61% 85 4.97% 145.56 MB 4.03%
6 1775 1.98% 1719 1.97% 1763 1.99% 123 3.15% 69 4.03% 150.51 MB 4.17%
7 1403 1.57% 1196 1.37% 1382 1.56% 133 3.41% 79 4.62% 103.47 MB 2.87%
8 1228 1.37% 1009 1.16% 1214 1.37% 128 3.28% 73 4.27% 92.71 MB 2.57%
9 1813 2.03% 1789 2.05% 1796 2.03% 151 3.87% 88 5.14% 175.82 MB 4.87%
10 1027 1.15% 751 0.86% 994 1.12% 115 2.94% 69 4.03% 54.50 MB 1.51%
11 920 1.03% 904 1.04% 903 1.02% 113 2.89% 65 3.80% 73.80 MB 2.05%
12 1046 1.17% 977 1.12% 1017 1.15% 110 2.82% 94 5.49% 92.97 MB 2.58%
13 829 0.93% 804 0.92% 773 0.87% 100 2.56% 82 4.79% 73.53 MB 2.04%
14 1077 1.20% 1043 1.20% 1046 1.18% 165 4.22% 125 7.31% 85.70 MB 2.37%
15 758 0.85% 732 0.84% 734 0.83% 108 2.76% 74 4.32% 66.65 MB 1.85%
16 1219 1.36% 1202 1.38% 1208 1.36% 120 3.07% 72 4.21% 111.12 MB 3.08%
17 1150 1.29% 1138 1.31% 1128 1.27% 117 3.00% 68 3.97% 108.00 MB 2.99%
18 1053 1.18% 1029 1.18% 1030 1.16% 124 3.17% 85 4.97% 94.47 MB 2.62%
19 3321 3.71% 3289 3.77% 3298 3.72% 131 3.35% 72 4.21% 154.89 MB 4.29%
20 8473 9.47% 8398 9.64% 8428 9.50% 117 3.00% 78 4.56% 147.28 MB 4.08%
21 4922 5.50% 4914 5.64% 4912 5.54% 118 3.02% 71 4.15% 123.88 MB 3.43%
22 4740 5.30% 4724 5.42% 4725 5.33% 131 3.35% 65 3.80% 95.67 MB 2.65%
23 5205 5.82% 5192 5.96% 5188 5.85% 122 3.12% 68 3.97% 144.02 MB 3.99%
24 5698 6.37% 5640 6.47% 5665 6.39% 136 3.48% 95 5.55% 204.05 MB 5.65%
25 5544 6.20% 5512 6.33% 5528 6.23% 144 3.69% 78 4.56% 175.67 MB 4.87%
26 5594 6.25% 5568 6.39% 5567 6.28% 156 3.99% 94 5.49% 185.19 MB 5.13%
27 5493 6.14% 5365 6.16% 5451 6.15% 314 8.04% 135 7.89% 150.19 MB 4.16%
28 4413 4.93% 4336 4.98% 4376 4.94% 168 4.30% 117 6.84% 43.99 MB 1.22%
29 4445 4.97% 4430 5.08% 4324 4.88% 101 2.59% 88 5.14% 58.62 MB 1.62%
30 4109 4.59% 4091 4.69% 4091 4.61% 89 2.28% 57 3.33% 46.14 MB 1.28%
31 4247 4.75% 4221 4.84% 4231 4.77% 79 2.02% 34 1.99% 32.67 MB 0.91%

Hourly usage for December 2023

Hourly Statistics for December 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 128 3980 4.45% 126 3935 4.52% 126 3932 4.43% 4.91 MB 152.14 MB 4.22%
1 131 4078 4.56% 129 4001 4.59% 130 4039 4.55% 5.07 MB 157.10 MB 4.35%
2 130 4041 4.52% 127 3943 4.52% 128 3996 4.51% 5.11 MB 158.37 MB 4.39%
3 129 4024 4.50% 128 3969 4.55% 128 3987 4.50% 5.04 MB 156.21 MB 4.33%
4 124 3862 4.32% 122 3791 4.35% 123 3824 4.31% 5.02 MB 155.63 MB 4.31%
5 130 4056 4.53% 128 3973 4.56% 129 4010 4.52% 5.57 MB 172.69 MB 4.79%
6 126 3926 4.39% 123 3838 4.40% 125 3882 4.38% 5.23 MB 162.19 MB 4.49%
7 122 3808 4.26% 119 3697 4.24% 121 3774 4.26% 5.02 MB 155.54 MB 4.31%
8 117 3653 4.08% 114 3564 4.09% 116 3600 4.06% 5.04 MB 156.38 MB 4.33%
9 118 3688 4.12% 116 3613 4.15% 118 3665 4.13% 4.97 MB 153.98 MB 4.27%
10 111 3468 3.88% 108 3348 3.84% 110 3437 3.88% 4.78 MB 148.11 MB 4.10%
11 116 3602 4.03% 109 3408 3.91% 114 3558 4.01% 4.68 MB 145.23 MB 4.02%
12 112 3476 3.88% 109 3388 3.89% 111 3450 3.89% 4.52 MB 140.08 MB 3.88%
13 120 3736 4.18% 109 3407 3.91% 119 3718 4.19% 4.81 MB 149.20 MB 4.13%
14 110 3427 3.83% 108 3357 3.85% 109 3406 3.84% 4.80 MB 148.95 MB 4.13%
15 111 3452 3.86% 109 3407 3.91% 110 3424 3.86% 4.86 MB 150.53 MB 4.17%
16 110 3433 3.84% 108 3354 3.85% 109 3409 3.84% 4.59 MB 142.23 MB 3.94%
17 114 3564 3.98% 110 3418 3.92% 113 3526 3.98% 4.66 MB 144.49 MB 4.00%
18 107 3321 3.71% 104 3231 3.71% 106 3301 3.72% 4.35 MB 134.93 MB 3.74%
19 108 3365 3.76% 106 3305 3.79% 107 3336 3.76% 4.41 MB 136.79 MB 3.79%
20 111 3460 3.87% 109 3384 3.88% 111 3441 3.88% 4.67 MB 144.78 MB 4.01%
21 135 4198 4.69% 133 4123 4.73% 134 4172 4.70% 4.64 MB 143.95 MB 3.99%
22 124 3856 4.31% 120 3750 4.30% 123 3819 4.31% 4.84 MB 150.11 MB 4.16%
23 129 4000 4.47% 127 3942 4.52% 127 3966 4.47% 4.80 MB 148.95 MB 4.13%

Top 30 of 874 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 54024 60.38% 37.56 MB 1.04% /usage/
2 17654 19.73% 2.14 GB 60.78% /usage/usage_200906.html
3 6498 7.26% 1.09 GB 30.80% /usage/usage_202311.html
4 3774 4.22% 818.25 KB 0.02% /
5 1090 1.22% 190.75 MB 5.29% /usage/usage_202304.html
6 1039 1.16% 623.26 KB 0.02% /usage/menu.html
7 1026 1.15% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage//usage_202307.html
8 847 0.95% 9.34 MB 0.26% /usage/usage_202206.html
9 140 0.16% 23.25 MB 0.64% /usage/usage_202312.html
10 95 0.11% 16.01 MB 0.44% /usage/usage_201909.html
11 77 0.09% 367.76 KB 0.01% /usage/error_201610.html
12 59 0.07% 66.00 KB 0.00% /frame.html
13 37 0.04% 53.14 KB 0.00% /main.html
14 35 0.04% 22.25 KB 0.00% /impressum.htm
15 33 0.04% 52.47 KB 0.00% /menue.html
16 29 0.03% 35.25 KB 0.00% /banner.html
17 23 0.03% 545.76 KB 0.01% /regelwerk.htm
18 21 0.02% 216.36 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201905.html
19 18 0.02% 10.44 KB 0.00% /exodia.htm
20 18 0.02% 177.76 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201904.html
21 17 0.02% 16.45 KB 0.00% /gottkarten.htm
22 17 0.02% 5.00 KB 0.00% /underconstruktion.htm
23 16 0.02% 58.03 KB 0.00% /charakter.htm
24 16 0.02% 11.67 KB 0.00% /filmkarten.htm
25 16 0.02% 165.79 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201902.html
26 15 0.02% 38.42 KB 0.00% /haftungsausschluss.htm
27 15 0.02% 191.23 KB 0.01% /usage/error_202301.html
28 15 0.02% 88.25 KB 0.00% /usage/error_202307.html
29 14 0.02% 139.38 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201903.html
30 14 0.02% 324.00 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_202204.html

Top 10 of 874 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 17654 19.73% 2.14 GB 60.78% /usage/usage_200906.html
2 6498 7.26% 1.09 GB 30.80% /usage/usage_202311.html
3 1090 1.22% 190.75 MB 5.29% /usage/usage_202304.html
4 54024 60.38% 37.56 MB 1.04% /usage/
5 140 0.16% 23.25 MB 0.64% /usage/usage_202312.html
6 95 0.11% 16.01 MB 0.44% /usage/usage_201909.html
7 847 0.95% 9.34 MB 0.26% /usage/usage_202206.html
8 3774 4.22% 818.25 KB 0.02% /
9 1039 1.16% 623.26 KB 0.02% /usage/menu.html
10 8 0.01% 597.05 KB 0.02% /usage/usage_202210.html

Top 10 of 364 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3774 4.22% 1459 40.35% /
2 847 0.95% 465 12.86% /usage/usage_202206.html
3 54024 60.38% 444 12.28% /usage/
4 17654 19.73% 345 9.54% /usage/usage_200906.html
5 95 0.11% 52 1.44% /usage/usage_201909.html
6 77 0.09% 40 1.11% /usage/error_201610.html
7 1026 1.15% 32 0.88% /usage//usage_202307.html
8 59 0.07% 25 0.69% /frame.html
9 29 0.03% 15 0.41% /banner.html
10 16 0.02% 15 0.41% /usage/usage_201902.html

Top 10 of 362 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3774 4.22% 1404 39.39% /
2 847 0.95% 464 13.02% /usage/usage_202206.html
3 54024 60.38% 451 12.65% /usage/
4 17654 19.73% 337 9.46% /usage/usage_200906.html
5 95 0.11% 51 1.43% /usage/usage_201909.html
6 59 0.07% 40 1.12% /frame.html
7 1026 1.15% 32 0.90% /usage//usage_202307.html
8 21 0.02% 20 0.56% /usage/usage_201905.html
9 23 0.03% 15 0.42% /regelwerk.htm
10 14 0.02% 14 0.39% /usage/usage_201903.html

Top 30 of 1711 Total Sites
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 49844 55.71% 49844 57.20% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.05%
2 3625 4.05% 3625 4.16% 620.29 MB 17.19% 2 0.05%
3 1776 1.98% 1776 2.04% 0 bytes 0.00% 338 8.65%
4 1172 1.31% 1172 1.34% 7.25 MB 0.20% 97 2.48%
5 1085 1.21% 1085 1.25% 190.69 MB 5.28% 2 0.05% 65-109-97-126.ptr
6 984 1.10% 984 1.13% 168.38 MB 4.67% 2 0.05%
7 957 1.07% 957 1.10% 163.76 MB 4.54% 1 0.03%
8 940 1.05% 940 1.08% 5.81 MB 0.16% 81 2.07%
9 937 1.05% 937 1.08% 5.78 MB 0.16% 81 2.07%
10 896 1.00% 896 1.03% 5.54 MB 0.15% 75 1.92%
11 801 0.90% 801 0.92% 92.92 MB 2.58% 17 0.44%
12 787 0.88% 787 0.90% 91.18 MB 2.53% 10 0.26%
13 777 0.87% 777 0.89% 0 bytes 0.00% 335 8.58%
14 724 0.81% 724 0.83% 89.98 MB 2.49% 7 0.18%
15 721 0.81% 721 0.83% 0 bytes 0.00% 337 8.63%
16 597 0.67% 597 0.69% 63.30 MB 1.75% 32 0.82%
17 571 0.64% 571 0.66% 97.70 MB 2.71% 1 0.03%
18 564 0.63% 564 0.65% 65.04 MB 1.80% 8 0.20%
19 555 0.62% 555 0.64% 64.71 MB 1.79% 11 0.28%
20 545 0.61% 545 0.63% 67.73 MB 1.88% 8 0.20%
21 459 0.51% 459 0.53% 53.23 MB 1.47% 6 0.15%
22 403 0.45% 403 0.46% 48.06 MB 1.33% 4 0.10%
23 391 0.44% 391 0.45% 45.34 MB 1.26% 11 0.28%
24 355 0.40% 296 0.34% 11.70 MB 0.32% 106 2.71%
25 318 0.36% 318 0.36% 39.52 MB 1.10% 2 0.05%
26 317 0.35% 317 0.36% 37.60 MB 1.04% 6 0.15%
27 294 0.33% 294 0.34% 36.54 MB 1.01% 1 0.03%
28 283 0.32% 283 0.32% 33.37 MB 0.92% 2 0.05%
29 283 0.32% 283 0.32% 33.37 MB 0.92% 3 0.08%
30 268 0.30% 268 0.31% 31.51 MB 0.87% 3 0.08%

Top 10 of 1711 Total Sites By Volume
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 3625 4.05% 3625 4.16% 620.29 MB 17.19% 2 0.05%
2 1085 1.21% 1085 1.25% 190.69 MB 5.28% 2 0.05% 65-109-97-126.ptr
3 984 1.10% 984 1.13% 168.38 MB 4.67% 2 0.05%
4 957 1.07% 957 1.10% 163.76 MB 4.54% 1 0.03%
5 571 0.64% 571 0.66% 97.70 MB 2.71% 1 0.03%
6 801 0.90% 801 0.92% 92.92 MB 2.58% 17 0.44%
7 787 0.88% 787 0.90% 91.18 MB 2.53% 10 0.26%
8 724 0.81% 724 0.83% 89.98 MB 2.49% 7 0.18%
9 545 0.61% 545 0.63% 67.73 MB 1.88% 8 0.20%
10 564 0.63% 564 0.65% 65.04 MB 1.80% 8 0.20%

Top 30 of 1924 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 6496 7.26%
2 4173 4.66%
3 4116 4.60%
4 4055 4.53%
5 4005 4.48%
6 3942 4.41%
7 3888 4.35%
8 3834 4.29%
9 3780 4.22%
10 3726 4.16%
11 3666 4.10%
12 3609 4.03%
13 3552 3.97%
14 3498 3.91%
15 3123 3.49% - (Direct Request)
16 1639 1.83%
17 1635 1.83%
18 1316 1.47%
19 1084 1.21%
20 940 1.05%
21 937 1.05%
22 752 0.84%
23 527 0.59%
24 280 0.31%
25 272 0.30%
26 263 0.29%
27 257 0.29%
28 256 0.29%
29 229 0.26%
30 228 0.25%

Top 15 of 339 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 49953 55.83% Spider: Googlebot
2 33603 37.56% Browser: Safari
3 3613 4.04% Browser: Firefox
4 446 0.50% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
5 355 0.40% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
6 321 0.36% Spider: MJ12bot
7 247 0.28% Go-http-client/1.1
8 182 0.20% IonCrawl (
9 147 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/4.0; +
10 112 0.13% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
11 76 0.08% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
12 49 0.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
13 49 0.05% Screaming Frog SEO Spider/18.1
14 44 0.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
15 44 0.05% PHP/5.{3|2}.{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0}{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0}

Usage by Country for December 2023

Top 30 of 65 Total Countries
# Hits Files Volume Country
1 51599 57.67% 51531 59.13% 179.78 MB 4.98% Germany Germany
2 10355 11.57% 9982 11.45% 1.05 GB 29.68% Commercial (com)
3 7418 8.29% 7396 8.49% 1.11 GB 31.48% Russian Federation Russian Federation
4 3957 4.42% 3957 4.54% 24.50 MB 0.68% Chile Chile
5 3105 3.47% 2923 3.35% 280.74 MB 7.78% United States United States
6 2132 2.38% 2131 2.45% 247.98 MB 6.87% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
7 1776 1.98% 1776 2.04% 0 bytes 0.00% Samoa Samoa
8 1692 1.89% 1592 1.83% 58.43 MB 1.62% Network (net)
9 1358 1.52% 1140 1.31% 95.27 MB 2.64% European Union European Union
10 1174 1.31% 1135 1.30% 191.27 MB 5.30% Unresolved/Unknown
11 914 1.02% 913 1.05% 18.62 KB 0.00% Belarus Belarus
12 790 0.88% 790 0.91% 97.62 MB 2.71% Luxembourg Luxembourg
13 486 0.54% 486 0.56% 56.69 MB 1.57% Portugal Portugal
14 314 0.35% 314 0.36% 37.09 MB 1.03% Latvia Latvia
15 312 0.35% 312 0.36% 35.17 MB 0.97% Poland Poland
16 306 0.34% 287 0.33% 662.80 KB 0.02% Non-Profit (org)
17 232 0.26% 232 0.27% 26.92 MB 0.75% Italy Italy
18 221 0.25% 221 0.25% 25.78 MB 0.71% Lithuania Lithuania
19 202 0.23% 190 0.22% 21.70 MB 0.60% Bulgaria Bulgaria
20 170 0.19% 161 0.18% 17.71 MB 0.49% Bangladesh Bangladesh
21 161 0.18% 30 0.03% 194.57 KB 0.01% Czech Republic Czech Republic
22 154 0.17% 134 0.15% 631.00 KB 0.02% China China
23 95 0.11% 62 0.07% 454.04 KB 0.01% Seychelles Seychelles
24 82 0.09% 80 0.09% 49.28 KB 0.00% Romania Romania
25 57 0.06% 30 0.03% 216.67 KB 0.01% Honduras Honduras
26 49 0.05% 49 0.06% 439.78 KB 0.01% Canada Canada
27 34 0.04% 14 0.02% 65.35 KB 0.00% Hong Kong Hong Kong
28 28 0.03% 28 0.03% 287.68 KB 0.01% Viet Nam Viet Nam
29 25 0.03% 18 0.02% 155.72 KB 0.00% India India
30 25 0.03% 25 0.03% 86.66 KB 0.00% Japan Japan

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Generated by Webalizer Xtended (RB30) by Patrick Frei based on Webalizer Version 2.23-08