Usage Statistics for v031910

Summary Period: April 2024
Generated 01-May-2024 02:55 CEST
Webalizer Xtended (RB30)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2024
Total Hits 898233
Total Files 885004
Total Pages 896329
Total Visits 6770
Total Volume 7.29 GB
Total Vol. In 0 bytes
Total Vol. Out 0 bytes
Total Unique Sites 2101
Total Unique URLs 1590
Total Unique Referrers 2650
Total Unique User Agents 418
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1247 2434
Hits per Day 29941 36207
Files per Day 29500 35617
Pages per Day 29877 36175
Sites per Day 70 182
Visits per Day 225 273
Volume per Day 248.77 MB 451.26 MB
Vol. In per Day 0 bytes 0 bytes
Vol. Out per Day 0 bytes 0 bytes
Hits by Response Code
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 98.53% 885004
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 45
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.02% 207
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.00% 2
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 125
Code 404 - Not Found 1.43% 12846
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 2

Hits by Response Code April 2024

Code 404 Monthly Statistics for April 2024 (Top 20 of 589 URLs)
# Hits URL
1 7569 58.92% /usage_202404.htmlusage_202404.html
2 2611 20.33% /usage_202403.htmlusage_202403.html
3 564 4.39% /usage_202404.html
4 556 4.33% /usage/usage_202404.html
5 62 0.48% /wp-login.php
6 29 0.23% /usage//xef/xbb/xbf
7 25 0.19% /usage/error_201611.html/trackback/
8 23 0.18% /sitemap.xml
9 20 0.16% /admin.php
10 16 0.12% /home
11 15 0.12% /wp-content/plugins/fix/up.php
12 15 0.12% /ads.txt
13 15 0.12% /bc
14 15 0.12% /old
15 15 0.12% /new
16 14 0.11% /wp-plain.php
17 14 0.11% /modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/®.php7
18 14 0.11% /bk
19 13 0.10% /.well-known/
20 13 0.10% /files/
View All URLs

Daily usage for April 2024

Daily Statistics for April 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Volume Vol. In Vol. Out
1 30220 3.36% 29059 3.28% 30157 3.36% 221 3.26% 115 5.47% 135.20 MB 1.81% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
2 31925 3.55% 31418 3.55% 31865 3.56% 237 3.50% 125 5.95% 392.16 MB 5.25% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
3 29903 3.33% 29463 3.33% 29850 3.33% 254 3.75% 155 7.38% 339.31 MB 4.55% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
4 31314 3.49% 30982 3.50% 31248 3.49% 223 3.29% 136 6.47% 409.84 MB 5.49% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
5 29322 3.26% 28961 3.27% 29255 3.26% 260 3.84% 131 6.24% 390.41 MB 5.23% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
6 26685 2.97% 26371 2.98% 26619 2.97% 239 3.53% 140 6.66% 175.08 MB 2.35% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
7 26299 2.93% 25943 2.93% 26256 2.93% 173 2.56% 86 4.09% 29.15 MB 0.39% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
8 25906 2.88% 25596 2.89% 25847 2.88% 236 3.49% 99 4.71% 111.82 MB 1.50% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
9 26034 2.90% 25750 2.91% 25989 2.90% 239 3.53% 101 4.81% 77.13 MB 1.03% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
10 25111 2.80% 24817 2.80% 24982 2.79% 214 3.16% 120 5.71% 117.70 MB 1.58% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
11 17999 2.00% 17684 2.00% 17949 2.00% 261 3.86% 140 6.66% 70.20 MB 0.94% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
12 25459 2.83% 25065 2.83% 25403 2.83% 212 3.13% 105 5.00% 65.86 MB 0.88% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
13 26509 2.95% 25939 2.93% 26464 2.95% 206 3.04% 114 5.43% 61.91 MB 0.83% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
14 27832 3.10% 27143 3.07% 27773 3.10% 217 3.21% 108 5.14% 128.28 MB 1.72% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
15 25886 2.88% 25210 2.85% 25846 2.88% 207 3.06% 113 5.38% 86.95 MB 1.17% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
16 28116 3.13% 27382 3.09% 28084 3.13% 203 3.00% 120 5.71% 45.64 MB 0.61% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
17 28609 3.19% 27968 3.16% 28576 3.19% 226 3.34% 92 4.38% 90.51 MB 1.21% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
18 28078 3.13% 27705 3.13% 28011 3.13% 249 3.68% 133 6.33% 238.37 MB 3.19% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
19 34446 3.83% 34234 3.87% 34396 3.84% 234 3.46% 144 6.85% 410.75 MB 5.50% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
20 33370 3.72% 33316 3.76% 33330 3.72% 224 3.31% 116 5.52% 407.32 MB 5.46% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
21 33350 3.71% 33323 3.77% 33300 3.72% 210 3.10% 125 5.95% 451.26 MB 6.05% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
22 33722 3.75% 33676 3.81% 33679 3.76% 196 2.90% 115 5.47% 399.42 MB 5.35% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
23 35885 4.00% 35431 4.00% 35844 4.00% 254 3.75% 133 6.33% 428.45 MB 5.74% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
24 34423 3.83% 33795 3.82% 34378 3.84% 273 4.03% 164 7.81% 319.23 MB 4.28% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
25 36207 4.03% 35617 4.02% 36175 4.04% 261 3.86% 168 8.00% 387.53 MB 5.19% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
26 32446 3.61% 31979 3.61% 32417 3.62% 248 3.66% 113 5.38% 391.59 MB 5.25% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
27 30832 3.43% 30440 3.44% 30775 3.43% 210 3.10% 106 5.05% 308.88 MB 4.14% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
28 34354 3.82% 33880 3.83% 34217 3.82% 200 2.95% 136 6.47% 320.02 MB 4.29% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
29 33225 3.70% 32680 3.69% 33029 3.68% 261 3.86% 177 8.42% 339.45 MB 4.55% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
30 34766 3.87% 34177 3.86% 34615 3.86% 265 3.91% 182 8.66% 333.60 MB 4.47% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%

Hourly usage for April 2024

Hourly Statistics for April 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Volume Vol. In Vol. Out
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1229 36880 4.11% 1209 36273 4.10% 1227 36812 4.11% 8.84 MB 265.11 MB 3.55% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
1 1266 37992 4.23% 1248 37460 4.23% 1264 37936 4.23% 9.35 MB 280.57 MB 3.76% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
2 1292 38782 4.32% 1277 38320 4.33% 1290 38728 4.32% 9.56 MB 286.69 MB 3.84% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
3 1313 39410 4.39% 1298 38961 4.40% 1311 39347 4.39% 9.88 MB 296.55 MB 3.97% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
4 1332 39974 4.45% 1316 39504 4.46% 1331 39936 4.46% 9.93 MB 297.86 MB 3.99% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
5 1358 40754 4.54% 1343 40313 4.56% 1356 40703 4.54% 10.68 MB 320.36 MB 4.29% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
6 1354 40647 4.53% 1338 40168 4.54% 1353 40597 4.53% 10.78 MB 323.50 MB 4.33% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
7 1365 40958 4.56% 1348 40466 4.57% 1362 40873 4.56% 10.69 MB 320.84 MB 4.30% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
8 1318 39544 4.40% 1302 39076 4.42% 1316 39502 4.41% 10.83 MB 324.88 MB 4.35% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
9 1300 39009 4.34% 1283 38516 4.35% 1297 38917 4.34% 11.13 MB 333.76 MB 4.47% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
10 1271 38141 4.25% 1253 37595 4.25% 1268 38065 4.25% 11.01 MB 330.18 MB 4.42% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
11 1259 37790 4.21% 1242 37289 4.21% 1257 37719 4.21% 11.47 MB 344.15 MB 4.61% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
12 1267 38025 4.23% 1249 37493 4.24% 1264 37936 4.23% 11.52 MB 345.54 MB 4.63% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
13 1245 37361 4.16% 1227 36830 4.16% 1242 37266 4.16% 11.07 MB 332.12 MB 4.45% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
14 1240 37212 4.14% 1218 36551 4.13% 1237 37136 4.14% 11.41 MB 342.40 MB 4.59% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
15 1176 35293 3.93% 1158 34764 3.93% 1173 35208 3.93% 10.87 MB 325.95 MB 4.37% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
16 1153 34593 3.85% 1137 34113 3.85% 1150 34508 3.85% 10.68 MB 320.39 MB 4.29% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
17 1126 33788 3.76% 1107 33218 3.75% 1124 33723 3.76% 10.89 MB 326.55 MB 4.38% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
18 1188 35645 3.97% 1166 35004 3.96% 1185 35571 3.97% 10.34 MB 310.28 MB 4.16% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
19 1198 35943 4.00% 1177 35314 3.99% 1196 35896 4.00% 10.18 MB 305.35 MB 4.09% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
20 1191 35749 3.98% 1169 35073 3.96% 1187 35630 3.98% 9.70 MB 291.04 MB 3.90% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
21 1162 34867 3.88% 1138 34160 3.86% 1153 34607 3.86% 9.33 MB 279.79 MB 3.75% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
22 1153 34594 3.85% 1130 33918 3.83% 1150 34513 3.85% 9.44 MB 283.18 MB 3.79% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
23 1176 35282 3.93% 1154 34625 3.91% 1173 35200 3.93% 9.20 MB 275.94 MB 3.70% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%

Top 30 of 1590 Total URLs
# Hits Volume Vol. In Vol. Out URL
1 791929 88.17% 1.21 MB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /
2 28939 3.22% 316.32 MB 4.24% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/
3 27573 3.07% 3.52 GB 48.27% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202403.html
4 19391 2.16% 2.35 GB 32.27% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_200906.html
5 6899 0.77% 992.47 MB 13.30% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_202404.html
6 2370 0.26% 1.39 MB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/menu.html
7 595 0.07% 8.98 MB 0.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_202206.html
8 135 0.02% 142.32 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /frame.html
9 126 0.01% 3.18 MB 0.04% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
10 102 0.01% 96.70 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /impressum.htm
11 99 0.01% 142.67 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /main.html
12 91 0.01% 3.06 MB 0.04% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
13 82 0.01% 158.10 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /menue.html
14 65 0.01% 87.82 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /banner.html
15 54 0.01% 210.60 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /charakter.htm
16 54 0.01% 144.16 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/error_201611.html
17 45 0.01% 30.13 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /links/links.php
18 44 0.00% 1.54 MB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /regelwerk.htm
19 41 0.00% 924.88 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_201905.html
20 40 0.00% 732.38 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_201902.html
21 39 0.00% 35.88 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /gottkarten.htm
22 39 0.00% 101.17 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /haftungsausschluss.htm
23 39 0.00% 56.63 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /millenniums.html
24 38 0.00% 23.20 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /exodia.htm
25 34 0.00% 334.57 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_201903.html
26 33 0.00% 23.86 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /filmkarten.htm
27 33 0.00% 84.41 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/allgamesclan_de/
28 33 0.00% 690.06 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_202312.html
29 32 0.00% 69.46 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /menue2.html
30 32 0.00% 75.43 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/

Top 10 of 1590 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume Vol. In Vol. Out URL
1 27573 3.07% 3.52 GB 48.27% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202403.html
2 19391 2.16% 2.35 GB 32.27% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_200906.html
3 6899 0.77% 992.47 MB 13.30% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_202404.html
4 28939 3.22% 316.32 MB 4.24% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/
5 595 0.07% 8.98 MB 0.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_202206.html
6 126 0.01% 3.18 MB 0.04% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
7 91 0.01% 3.06 MB 0.04% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
8 9 0.00% 2.18 MB 0.03% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/webalizer.current
9 32 0.00% 1.77 MB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_202309.html
10 16 0.00% 1.61 MB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /usage/usage_201909.html

Top 10 of 519 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 791929 88.17% 1539 25.21% /
2 28939 3.22% 618 10.12% /usage/
3 595 0.07% 338 5.54% /usage/usage_202206.html
4 19391 2.16% 209 3.42% /usage/usage_200906.html
5 126 0.01% 79 1.29% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
6 135 0.02% 76 1.25% /frame.html
7 91 0.01% 63 1.03% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
8 40 0.00% 38 0.62% /usage/usage_201902.html
9 54 0.01% 32 0.52% /charakter.htm
10 65 0.01% 29 0.48% /banner.html

Top 10 of 530 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 791929 88.17% 1490 24.47% /
2 28939 3.22% 693 11.38% /usage/
3 595 0.07% 335 5.50% /usage/usage_202206.html
4 19391 2.16% 133 2.18% /usage/usage_200906.html
5 135 0.02% 90 1.48% /frame.html
6 126 0.01% 80 1.31% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
7 91 0.01% 56 0.92% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
8 54 0.01% 36 0.59% /charakter.htm
9 102 0.01% 34 0.56% /impressum.htm
10 33 0.00% 33 0.54% /usage/allgamesclan_de/

Top 30 of 2101 Total Sites
# Hits Files Volume Vol. In Vol. Out Visits Hostname
1 785267 87.42% 785267 88.73% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 22 0.32%
2 27559 3.07% 27559 3.11% 3.52 GB 48.26% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 0.07%
3 8702 0.97% 8702 0.98% 53.80 MB 0.72% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 347 5.13%
4 7988 0.89% 6876 0.78% 992.18 MB 13.29% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
5 3648 0.41% 22 0.00% 761.54 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 20 0.30%
6 2769 0.31% 2769 0.31% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 298 4.40%
7 2496 0.28% 0 0.00% 477.75 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 147 2.17%
8 2163 0.24% 0 0.00% 414.01 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
9 2034 0.23% 2034 0.23% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 298 4.40%
10 1549 0.17% 1549 0.18% 100.82 MB 1.35% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 10 0.15%
11 1285 0.14% 0 0.00% 245.96 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
12 1237 0.14% 1237 0.14% 82.16 MB 1.10% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 0.06%
13 1100 0.12% 1100 0.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 281 4.15%
14 1013 0.11% 1013 0.11% 64.88 MB 0.87% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
15 960 0.11% 960 0.11% 63.69 MB 0.85% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 0.06%
16 907 0.10% 907 0.10% 59.80 MB 0.80% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 7 0.10%
17 898 0.10% 898 0.10% 60.03 MB 0.80% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 0.06%
18 790 0.09% 790 0.09% 50.54 MB 0.68% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 3 0.04%
19 774 0.09% 521 0.06% 40.32 MB 0.54% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 283 4.18%
20 742 0.08% 742 0.08% 46.37 MB 0.62% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
21 716 0.08% 716 0.08% 45.16 MB 0.61% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 0.06%
22 690 0.08% 690 0.08% 42.94 MB 0.58% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
23 676 0.08% 676 0.08% 45.14 MB 0.60% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
24 668 0.07% 668 0.08% 43.02 MB 0.58% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.03%
25 614 0.07% 614 0.07% 38.44 MB 0.52% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
26 598 0.07% 598 0.07% 39.38 MB 0.53% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.03%
27 579 0.06% 579 0.07% 38.03 MB 0.51% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 3 0.04%
28 577 0.06% 406 0.05% 3.70 MB 0.05% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 0.07%
29 574 0.06% 574 0.06% 40.33 MB 0.54% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 3 0.04%
30 566 0.06% 566 0.06% 36.07 MB 0.48% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.03%

Top 10 of 2101 Total Sites By Volume
# Hits Files Volume Vol. In Vol. Out Visits Hostname
1 27559 3.07% 27559 3.11% 3.52 GB 48.26% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 0.07%
2 7988 0.89% 6876 0.78% 992.18 MB 13.29% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
3 1549 0.17% 1549 0.18% 100.82 MB 1.35% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 10 0.15%
4 1237 0.14% 1237 0.14% 82.16 MB 1.10% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 0.06%
5 1013 0.11% 1013 0.11% 64.88 MB 0.87% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.01%
6 960 0.11% 960 0.11% 63.69 MB 0.85% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 0.06%
7 898 0.10% 898 0.10% 60.03 MB 0.80% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 0.06%
8 907 0.10% 907 0.10% 59.80 MB 0.80% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 7 0.10%
9 8702 0.97% 8702 0.98% 53.80 MB 0.72% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 347 5.13%
10 790 0.09% 790 0.09% 50.54 MB 0.68% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 3 0.04%

Top 30 of 2650 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 38236 4.26%
2 38209 4.25%
3 38181 4.25%
4 38149 4.25%
5 38128 4.24%
6 38096 4.24%
7 38042 4.24%
8 37997 4.23%
9 37981 4.23%
10 37965 4.23%
11 37949 4.22%
12 37937 4.22%
13 37922 4.22%
14 37896 4.22%
15 37882 4.22%
16 37857 4.21%
17 37838 4.21%
18 37789 4.21%
19 37772 4.21%
20 37753 4.20%
21 15062 1.68%
22 12497 1.39%
23 6211 0.69% - (Direct Request)
24 5216 0.58%
25 3988 0.44%
26 3838 0.43%
27 2956 0.33%
28 2947 0.33%
29 2798 0.31%
30 2772 0.31%

Top 15 of 418 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 785458 87.44% Spider: Googlebot
2 101698 11.32% Browser: Safari
3 6278 0.70% Browser: Firefox
4 1294 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
5 577 0.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +
6 528 0.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 468 0.05% Spider: MJ12bot
8 337 0.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
9 263 0.03% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/4.0; +
10 240 0.03% IonCrawl (
11 216 0.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
12 149 0.02% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
13 122 0.01% netEstate NE Crawler (+
14 118 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
15 61 0.01% Browser: MSIE

Usage by Country for April 2024

Top 30 of 76 Total Countries
# Hits Files Volume Vol. In Vol. Out Country
1 786405 87.55% 786405 88.86% 73.67 MB 0.99% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Portugal Portugal
2 38950 4.34% 28770 3.25% 3.52 GB 48.34% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Russian Federation Russian Federation
3 24118 2.69% 24071 2.72% 1.33 GB 18.25% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Network (net)
4 9180 1.02% 8872 1.00% 309.56 MB 4.15% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Commercial (com)
5 8750 0.97% 8743 0.99% 54.05 MB 0.72% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Chile Chile
6 7988 0.89% 6876 0.78% 992.18 MB 13.29% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis and Futuna Islands
7 5334 0.59% 4781 0.54% 306.89 MB 4.11% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% United States United States
8 4288 0.48% 4229 0.48% 246.43 MB 3.30% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% European Union European Union
9 2606 0.29% 2598 0.29% 163.81 MB 2.19% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
10 2034 0.23% 2034 0.23% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Samoa Samoa
11 1926 0.21% 1924 0.22% 125.51 MB 1.68% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Canada Canada
12 1067 0.12% 842 0.10% 6.00 MB 0.08% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Germany Germany
13 907 0.10% 907 0.10% 59.80 MB 0.80% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Costa Rica Costa Rica
14 733 0.08% 697 0.08% 42.97 MB 0.58% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Bulgaria Bulgaria
15 622 0.07% 621 0.07% 35.15 MB 0.47% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Romania Romania
16 437 0.05% 437 0.05% 28.67 MB 0.38% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Lithuania Lithuania
17 405 0.05% 374 0.04% 1.04 MB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
18 361 0.04% 361 0.04% 1.32 MB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% New Zealand New Zealand
19 265 0.03% 70 0.01% 436.96 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Czech Republic Czech Republic
20 208 0.02% 100 0.01% 217.46 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% China China
21 206 0.02% 141 0.02% 631.59 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Unresolved/Unknown
22 197 0.02% 197 0.02% 11.42 MB 0.15% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Poland Poland
23 194 0.02% 184 0.02% 11.39 MB 0.15% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Australia Australia
24 174 0.02% 123 0.01% 3.57 MB 0.05% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Seychelles Seychelles
25 156 0.02% 156 0.02% 8.94 MB 0.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Luxembourg Luxembourg
26 129 0.01% 0 0.00% 35.50 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Belize Belize
27 86 0.01% 86 0.01% 5.29 MB 0.07% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Latvia Latvia
28 65 0.01% 40 0.00% 177.29 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Singapore Singapore
29 63 0.01% 53 0.01% 123.25 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Japan Japan
30 53 0.01% 45 0.01% 1.14 MB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Sweden Sweden

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