Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2024
Generated 01-May-2024 02:53 CEST
Webalizer Xtended (RB30)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2024
Total Hits 857516
Total Files 850876
Total Pages 856616
Total Visits 5599
Total Volume 4.36 GB
Total Unique Sites 1489
Total Unique URLs 1006
Total Unique Referrers 1840
Total Unique User Agents 309
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1190 2339
Hits per Day 28583 35200
Files per Day 28362 34897
Pages per Day 28553 35180
Sites per Day 49 143
Visits per Day 186 233
Volume per Day 148.66 MB 342.88 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 99.23% 850876
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 31
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 102
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 103
Code 404 - Not Found 0.75% 6402
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 1

Hits by Response Code April 2024

Code 404 Monthly Statistics for April 2024 (Top 20 of 325 URLs)
# Hits URL
1 3766 58.83% /usage_202404.htmlusage_202404.html
2 1304 20.37% /usage_202403.htmlusage_202403.html
3 285 4.45% /usage_202404.html
4 278 4.34% /usage/usage_202404.html
5 16 0.25% /usage//xef/xbb/xbf
6 13 0.20% /admin.php
7 13 0.20% /sitemap.xml
8 13 0.20% /bc
9 12 0.19% /bk
10 12 0.19% /old
11 12 0.19% /new
12 12 0.19% /home
13 12 0.19%
14 11 0.17% /wordpress
15 11 0.17% /wp
16 11 0.17% /backup
17 10 0.16% /wp-plain.php
18 10 0.16% /wp-content/plugins/fix/up.php
19 10 0.16% /modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/®.php7
20 9 0.14% /grafik/filmkarten/Rueckkehr aus der anderen
View All URLs

Daily usage for April 2024

Daily Statistics for April 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Volume
1 28417 3.31% 27812 3.27% 28370 3.31% 190 3.39% 76 5.10% 19.18 MB 0.43%
2 29464 3.44% 29210 3.43% 29428 3.44% 211 3.77% 95 6.38% 131.42 MB 2.95%
3 27768 3.24% 27612 3.25% 27749 3.24% 200 3.57% 88 5.91% 130.55 MB 2.93%
4 28736 3.35% 28567 3.36% 28692 3.35% 210 3.75% 101 6.78% 143.26 MB 3.21%
5 26676 3.11% 26502 3.11% 26642 3.11% 230 4.11% 96 6.45% 121.34 MB 2.72%
6 25211 2.94% 25049 2.94% 25161 2.94% 202 3.61% 96 6.45% 58.38 MB 1.31%
7 25604 2.99% 25426 2.99% 25579 2.99% 156 2.79% 53 3.56% 6.14 MB 0.14%
8 24581 2.87% 24437 2.87% 24545 2.87% 186 3.32% 66 4.43% 12.86 MB 0.29%
9 25001 2.92% 24860 2.92% 24978 2.92% 192 3.43% 69 4.63% 10.06 MB 0.23%
10 23673 2.76% 23524 2.76% 23646 2.76% 202 3.61% 89 5.98% 13.45 MB 0.30%
11 16851 1.97% 16706 1.96% 16829 1.96% 193 3.45% 83 5.57% 12.65 MB 0.28%
12 24445 2.85% 24243 2.85% 24416 2.85% 171 3.05% 57 3.83% 7.82 MB 0.18%
13 25460 2.97% 25175 2.96% 25430 2.97% 171 3.05% 75 5.04% 8.90 MB 0.20%
14 26161 3.05% 25840 3.04% 26139 3.05% 162 2.89% 69 4.63% 13.72 MB 0.31%
15 24651 2.87% 24308 2.86% 24625 2.87% 168 3.00% 85 5.71% 10.40 MB 0.23%
16 27157 3.17% 26790 3.15% 27138 3.17% 153 2.73% 70 4.70% 6.12 MB 0.14%
17 27311 3.18% 26998 3.17% 27301 3.19% 196 3.50% 63 4.23% 10.81 MB 0.24%
18 26870 3.13% 26603 3.13% 26816 3.13% 205 3.66% 90 6.04% 143.70 MB 3.22%
19 33419 3.90% 33321 3.92% 33386 3.90% 189 3.38% 88 5.91% 340.73 MB 7.64%
20 32424 3.78% 32395 3.81% 32400 3.78% 183 3.27% 76 5.10% 339.40 MB 7.61%
21 32208 3.76% 32194 3.78% 32173 3.76% 181 3.23% 97 6.51% 342.88 MB 7.69%
22 32970 3.84% 32955 3.87% 32940 3.85% 173 3.09% 85 5.71% 335.04 MB 7.51%
23 34516 4.03% 34296 4.03% 34490 4.03% 188 3.36% 90 6.04% 339.06 MB 7.60%
24 33333 3.89% 33010 3.88% 33306 3.89% 232 4.14% 126 8.46% 265.31 MB 5.95%
25 35200 4.10% 34897 4.10% 35180 4.11% 217 3.88% 131 8.80% 325.41 MB 7.30%
26 31316 3.65% 31073 3.65% 31297 3.65% 199 3.55% 75 5.04% 324.24 MB 7.27%
27 29831 3.48% 29637 3.48% 29809 3.48% 180 3.21% 76 5.10% 251.14 MB 5.63%
28 33381 3.89% 33140 3.89% 33339 3.89% 157 2.80% 91 6.11% 276.32 MB 6.20%
29 31779 3.71% 31503 3.70% 31751 3.71% 195 3.48% 113 7.59% 255.03 MB 5.72%
30 33102 3.86% 32793 3.85% 33061 3.86% 233 4.16% 143 9.60% 204.57 MB 4.59%

Hourly usage for April 2024

Hourly Statistics for April 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1178 35357 4.12% 1168 35058 4.12% 1177 35320 4.12% 5.63 MB 169.01 MB 3.79%
1 1214 36449 4.25% 1206 36192 4.25% 1214 36422 4.25% 5.76 MB 172.74 MB 3.87%
2 1245 37359 4.36% 1236 37109 4.36% 1244 37320 4.36% 5.97 MB 179.02 MB 4.01%
3 1260 37824 4.41% 1253 37597 4.42% 1259 37786 4.41% 6.06 MB 181.95 MB 4.08%
4 1282 38466 4.49% 1274 38231 4.49% 1281 38444 4.49% 6.01 MB 180.41 MB 4.05%
5 1303 39092 4.56% 1295 38868 4.57% 1302 39069 4.56% 6.14 MB 184.15 MB 4.13%
6 1298 38944 4.54% 1290 38718 4.55% 1297 38918 4.54% 6.12 MB 183.63 MB 4.12%
7 1304 39142 4.56% 1295 38879 4.57% 1302 39085 4.56% 6.21 MB 186.42 MB 4.18%
8 1261 37857 4.41% 1254 37622 4.42% 1260 37828 4.42% 6.26 MB 187.85 MB 4.21%
9 1238 37166 4.33% 1230 36915 4.34% 1238 37145 4.34% 6.30 MB 188.86 MB 4.23%
10 1211 36339 4.24% 1202 36068 4.24% 1209 36293 4.24% 6.36 MB 190.86 MB 4.28%
11 1196 35900 4.19% 1188 35655 4.19% 1195 35872 4.19% 6.30 MB 188.87 MB 4.23%
12 1202 36065 4.21% 1193 35819 4.21% 1200 36025 4.21% 6.22 MB 186.58 MB 4.18%
13 1184 35535 4.14% 1175 35271 4.15% 1183 35492 4.14% 6.49 MB 194.73 MB 4.37%
14 1175 35261 4.11% 1166 34987 4.11% 1173 35208 4.11% 6.75 MB 202.56 MB 4.54%
15 1119 33589 3.92% 1110 33324 3.92% 1117 33538 3.92% 6.51 MB 195.34 MB 4.38%
16 1097 32933 3.84% 1089 32699 3.84% 1096 32881 3.84% 6.46 MB 193.90 MB 4.35%
17 1065 31978 3.73% 1056 31693 3.72% 1064 31943 3.73% 6.49 MB 194.64 MB 4.36%
18 1129 33889 3.95% 1119 33573 3.95% 1128 33840 3.95% 6.44 MB 193.26 MB 4.33%
19 1143 34300 4.00% 1132 33972 3.99% 1142 34275 4.00% 6.28 MB 188.26 MB 4.22%
20 1135 34067 3.97% 1123 33715 3.96% 1134 34045 3.97% 6.08 MB 182.31 MB 4.09%
21 1107 33220 3.87% 1094 32831 3.86% 1105 33169 3.87% 6.02 MB 180.66 MB 4.05%
22 1099 32990 3.85% 1087 32635 3.84% 1098 32954 3.85% 5.93 MB 177.93 MB 3.99%
23 1126 33794 3.94% 1114 33445 3.93% 1124 33744 3.94% 5.87 MB 175.97 MB 3.95%

Top 30 of 1006 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 788610 91.96% 626.38 KB 0.01% /
2 27570 3.22% 3.52 GB 80.77% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202403.html
3 24729 2.88% 279.38 MB 6.26% /usage/
4 3455 0.40% 496.29 MB 11.13% /usage/usage_202404.html
5 1263 0.15% 758.97 KB 0.02% /usage/menu.html
6 516 0.06% 6.38 MB 0.14% /usage/usage_202206.html
7 124 0.01% 3.04 MB 0.07% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
8 89 0.01% 2.92 MB 0.07% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
9 69 0.01% 66.11 KB 0.00% /frame.html
10 56 0.01% 75.27 KB 0.00% /main.html
11 52 0.01% 45.83 KB 0.00% /impressum.htm
12 47 0.01% 82.67 KB 0.00% /menue.html
13 35 0.00% 43.23 KB 0.00% /banner.html
14 30 0.00% 108.03 KB 0.00% /charakter.htm
15 29 0.00% 459.81 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201902.html
16 28 0.00% 460.39 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201905.html
17 25 0.00% 15.18 KB 0.00% /exodia.htm
18 25 0.00% 16.01 KB 0.00% /links/links.php
19 25 0.00% 842.80 KB 0.02% /regelwerk.htm
20 23 0.00% 27.56 KB 0.00% /millenniums.html
21 23 0.00% 1.54 MB 0.03% /usage/usage_202309.html
22 23 0.00% 417.07 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_202312.html
23 22 0.00% 51.25 KB 0.00% /haftungsausschluss.htm
24 22 0.00% 56.22 KB 0.00% /usage/allgamesclan_de/
25 22 0.00% 218.72 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201903.html
26 22 0.00% 381.25 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201904.html
27 21 0.00% 18.80 KB 0.00% /gottkarten.htm
28 20 0.00% 318.71 KB 0.01% /usage/error_202309.html
29 20 0.00% 388.06 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_202310.html
30 19 0.00% 39.58 KB 0.00% /menue2.html

Top 10 of 1006 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 27570 3.22% 3.52 GB 80.77% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202403.html
2 3455 0.40% 496.29 MB 11.13% /usage/usage_202404.html
3 24729 2.88% 279.38 MB 6.26% /usage/
4 516 0.06% 6.38 MB 0.14% /usage/usage_202206.html
5 124 0.01% 3.04 MB 0.07% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
6 89 0.01% 2.92 MB 0.07% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
7 6 0.00% 1.63 MB 0.04% /usage/webalizer.current
8 23 0.00% 1.54 MB 0.03% /usage/usage_202309.html
9 6 0.00% 1.41 MB 0.03% /usage/germannavyseals_de/webalizer.current
10 17 0.00% 1.19 MB 0.03% /usage/usage_202303.html

Top 10 of 435 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 788610 91.96% 1219 24.31% /
2 24729 2.88% 962 19.18% /usage/
3 516 0.06% 286 5.70% /usage/usage_202206.html
4 124 0.01% 82 1.64% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
5 89 0.01% 63 1.26% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
6 69 0.01% 48 0.96% /frame.html
7 29 0.00% 27 0.54% /usage/usage_201902.html
8 56 0.01% 20 0.40% /main.html
9 52 0.01% 19 0.38% /impressum.htm
10 30 0.00% 18 0.36% /charakter.htm

Top 10 of 438 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 788610 91.96% 1197 23.86% /
2 24729 2.88% 962 19.17% /usage/
3 516 0.06% 285 5.68% /usage/usage_202206.html
4 124 0.01% 81 1.61% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
5 89 0.01% 61 1.22% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
6 69 0.01% 48 0.96% /frame.html
7 22 0.00% 24 0.48% /usage/allgamesclan_de/
8 56 0.01% 23 0.46% /main.html
9 30 0.00% 22 0.44% /charakter.htm
10 47 0.01% 22 0.44% /menue.html

Top 30 of 1489 Total Sites
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 785267 91.57% 785267 92.29% 0 bytes 0.00% 22 0.39%
2 27559 3.21% 27559 3.24% 3.52 GB 80.76% 5 0.09%
3 4607 0.54% 4607 0.54% 28.49 MB 0.64% 439 7.84%
4 3994 0.47% 3438 0.40% 496.09 MB 11.12% 1 0.02%
5 1809 0.21% 13 0.00% 383.65 KB 0.01% 41 0.73%
6 1450 0.17% 1450 0.17% 0 bytes 0.00% 298 5.32%
7 1249 0.15% 0 0.00% 239.07 KB 0.01% 212 3.79%
8 1089 0.13% 0 0.00% 208.44 KB 0.00% 15 0.27%
9 1064 0.12% 1064 0.13% 0 bytes 0.00% 295 5.27%
10 799 0.09% 799 0.09% 9.52 MB 0.21% 17 0.30%
11 635 0.07% 0 0.00% 121.54 KB 0.00% 2 0.04%
12 623 0.07% 623 0.07% 7.43 MB 0.17% 8 0.14%
13 520 0.06% 350 0.04% 28.04 MB 0.63% 196 3.50%
14 507 0.06% 507 0.06% 6.04 MB 0.14% 5 0.09%
15 504 0.06% 340 0.04% 3.32 MB 0.07% 4 0.07%
16 480 0.06% 480 0.06% 5.72 MB 0.13% 6 0.11%
17 458 0.05% 458 0.05% 5.46 MB 0.12% 8 0.14%
18 453 0.05% 453 0.05% 5.40 MB 0.12% 5 0.09%
19 437 0.05% 437 0.05% 0 bytes 0.00% 274 4.89%
20 397 0.05% 397 0.05% 4.73 MB 0.11% 7 0.13%
21 378 0.04% 378 0.04% 4.51 MB 0.10% 4 0.07%
22 363 0.04% 363 0.04% 4.33 MB 0.10% 7 0.13%
23 355 0.04% 355 0.04% 4.23 MB 0.09% 4 0.07%
24 346 0.04% 346 0.04% 4.12 MB 0.09% 3 0.05%
25 337 0.04% 322 0.04% 2.48 MB 0.06% 194 3.46%
26 331 0.04% 331 0.04% 3.94 MB 0.09% 4 0.07%
27 323 0.04% 314 0.04% 3.03 MB 0.07% 198 3.54%
28 322 0.04% 313 0.04% 2.02 MB 0.05% 198 3.54%
29 317 0.04% 304 0.04% 2.20 MB 0.05% 191 3.41%
30 313 0.04% 305 0.04% 2.18 MB 0.05% 201 3.59%

Top 10 of 1489 Total Sites By Volume
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 27559 3.21% 27559 3.24% 3.52 GB 80.76% 5 0.09%
2 3994 0.47% 3438 0.40% 496.09 MB 11.12% 1 0.02%
3 4607 0.54% 4607 0.54% 28.49 MB 0.64% 439 7.84%
4 520 0.06% 350 0.04% 28.04 MB 0.63% 196 3.50%
5 799 0.09% 799 0.09% 9.52 MB 0.21% 17 0.30%
6 623 0.07% 623 0.07% 7.43 MB 0.17% 8 0.14%
7 507 0.06% 507 0.06% 6.04 MB 0.14% 5 0.09%
8 480 0.06% 480 0.06% 5.72 MB 0.13% 6 0.11%
9 458 0.05% 458 0.05% 5.46 MB 0.12% 8 0.14%
10 453 0.05% 453 0.05% 5.40 MB 0.12% 5 0.09%

Top 30 of 1840 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 38236 4.46%
2 38209 4.46%
3 38181 4.45%
4 38149 4.45%
5 38128 4.45%
6 38096 4.44%
7 38042 4.44%
8 37997 4.43%
9 37981 4.43%
10 37965 4.43%
11 37949 4.43%
12 37937 4.42%
13 37922 4.42%
14 37896 4.42%
15 37882 4.42%
16 37857 4.41%
17 37838 4.41%
18 37789 4.41%
19 37772 4.40%
20 37753 4.40%
21 15062 1.76%
22 12497 1.46%
23 3083 0.36% - (Direct Request)
24 2608 0.30%
25 1982 0.23%
26 1913 0.22%
27 1483 0.17%
28 1478 0.17%
29 1473 0.17%
30 1386 0.16%

Top 15 of 309 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 785389 91.59% Spider: Googlebot
2 66282 7.73% Browser: Safari
3 3239 0.38% Browser: Firefox
4 520 0.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
5 504 0.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +
6 420 0.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 208 0.02% Spider: MJ12bot
8 147 0.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
9 147 0.02% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
10 120 0.01% IonCrawl (
11 119 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/4.0; +
12 113 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
13 67 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
14 38 0.00% Go-http-client/1.1
15 33 0.00% Browser: MSIE

Usage by Country for April 2024

Top 30 of 66 Total Countries
# Hits Files Volume Country
1 785844 91.64% 785844 92.36% 6.87 MB 0.15% Portugal Portugal
2 33147 3.87% 28080 3.30% 3.52 GB 80.86% Russian Federation Russian Federation
3 12356 1.44% 12328 1.45% 130.27 MB 2.92% Network (net)
4 5877 0.69% 5672 0.67% 56.05 MB 1.26% Commercial (com)
5 4629 0.54% 4629 0.54% 28.65 MB 0.64% Chile Chile
6 3994 0.47% 3438 0.40% 496.09 MB 11.12% Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis and Futuna Islands
7 2637 0.31% 2386 0.28% 51.59 MB 1.16% United States United States
8 2126 0.25% 2105 0.25% 24.59 MB 0.55% European Union European Union
9 1324 0.15% 1316 0.15% 15.52 MB 0.35% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
10 1064 0.12% 1064 0.13% 0 bytes 0.00% Samoa Samoa
11 980 0.11% 980 0.12% 11.60 MB 0.26% Canada Canada
12 796 0.09% 596 0.07% 4.76 MB 0.11% Germany Germany
13 458 0.05% 458 0.05% 5.46 MB 0.12% Costa Rica Costa Rica
14 375 0.04% 358 0.04% 4.24 MB 0.10% Bulgaria Bulgaria
15 319 0.04% 319 0.04% 3.58 MB 0.08% Romania Romania
16 226 0.03% 226 0.03% 2.69 MB 0.06% Lithuania Lithuania
17 207 0.02% 188 0.02% 669.43 KB 0.01% Non-Profit (org)
18 121 0.01% 26 0.00% 161.08 KB 0.00% Czech Republic Czech Republic
19 119 0.01% 77 0.01% 358.44 KB 0.01% Unresolved/Unknown
20 117 0.01% 62 0.01% 141.16 KB 0.00% China China
21 107 0.01% 102 0.01% 1.20 MB 0.03% Australia Australia
22 106 0.01% 106 0.01% 1.24 MB 0.03% Poland Poland
23 87 0.01% 87 0.01% 1.04 MB 0.02% Luxembourg Luxembourg
24 72 0.01% 72 0.01% 2.70 MB 0.06% Seychelles Seychelles
25 48 0.01% 48 0.01% 581.98 KB 0.01% Latvia Latvia
26 48 0.01% 27 0.00% 158.34 KB 0.00% Singapore Singapore
27 40 0.00% 31 0.00% 93.13 KB 0.00% Japan Japan
28 31 0.00% 27 0.00% 758.48 KB 0.02% Sweden Sweden
29 28 0.00% 28 0.00% 285.75 KB 0.01% Turkey Turkey
30 23 0.00% 11 0.00% 104.80 KB 0.00% Netherlands Netherlands

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Generated by Webalizer Xtended (RB30) by Patrick Frei based on Webalizer Version 2.23-08